The Perfect Drink

Hi everyone! Today I'm sharing with you an easy drink recipe. I love infused waters, such a good way to add colors and vitamins to you regular water. My favorite : strawberry/mint/lemon. So quick and delicious!

First I pick up organic products because I'm going to let them infuse in the water and I want it to be the more natural possible. If I have a little time ahead of me I freeze my strawberries and lemons before putting them into the water. If you don't have time for this no worries just cut your fruits and put them into the water with the mint. Add ice if needed.

This infused water has an excellent refreshing test and has digestive properties too. Drinking water is always a good idea to detox and lemon helps to do that. It's so pretty to look at, perfect for an afternoon with friends.

Have a good week end!